The main purpose of the HAL is to establish a unified northbound API-based framework across different QPU technologies. The challenges and architectural issues we endeavour to resolve in developing the HAL are:
Defining the position of Multi-level HAL within the system stack (see Fig. 1 below) [1]
Maximising portability with minimal loss of performance
Maximising the range of common features, while keeping the optional, hardware dependent features at a minimum
Supporting for advanced features such as compiler optimisations, measurement-based control, and error correction

Fig. 1 Positions of Multi-level HAL layers within the QPU system stack
The HAL APIs considered in this document MAY be divided into the following groups: [2]
General APIs These are most common APIs across different interfaces and platforms.
Register/De-register APIs
Discover APIs
HAL/APIs authentication/authorisation
HAL versioning
Technical area specific (QPU System related)
Metadata of the system capabilities/properties
Required HAL/QPU commands
Optional HAL/QPU hardware specific commands
Technical area specific (QPU System advanced features related)
HAL supported level authentication and authorisation
HAL Advanced/Optional features