Source code for qstone.apps.PyMatching

"""Defines the two steps of PyMatching jobs"""

import os
from typing import Dict, List

import numpy as np
import pymatching
from pandera import Check, Column, DataFrameSchema
from stim import Circuit  # pylint:disable=no-name-in-module

from qstone.apps.computation import Computation
from qstone.connectors import connector
from qstone.utils.utils import ComputationStep, trace

[docs] class PyMatching(Computation): """ PyMatching computation class. """ COMPUTATION_NAME = "PyMatching" CFG_STRING = """ { "cfg": { "num_required_qubits" : 10, "repetitions": 2 } } """ SCHEMA = DataFrameSchema( { "repetitions": Column(int, Check(lambda s: s >= 0)), } ) def __init__(self, cfg: dict): super().__init__(cfg) # Hints - do not remove self.repetitions: int self.num_shots = int(os.environ.get("NUM_SHOTS", self.repetitions)) def _initialise_circuit(self): """Initialise the circuit using Stim""" circuit = Circuit.generated( "surface_code:rotated_memory_x", distance=3, rounds=5, after_clifford_depolarization=0.005, ) model = circuit.detector_error_model(decompose_errors=True) matching = pymatching.Matching.from_detector_error_model(model) sampler = circuit.compile_detector_sampler() return (matching, sampler) def _convert_stim_circuit(self, stim_circuit: Circuit): """Convert stim circuit to standardised circuit format Args: circuit: stim circuit object Returns: circuit converted from stim circuit to format to be used on runner, current standard is QASM """ # Noise not supported in QASM noiseless_circuit = stim_circuit.without_noise() qasm_circuit = noiseless_circuit.to_qasm(open_qasm_version=3) return qasm_circuit
[docs] def generate_synthetic_data(self, data_path: str): """Generates synthetic data and stores them in data_path""" _, sampler = self._initialise_circuit() syndrome, actual_observables = sampler.sample( shots=self.num_shots, separate_observables=True ) np.savez(data_path, syn=syndrome, obs=actual_observables)
[docs] @trace(computation_type=COMPUTATION_NAME, computation_step=ComputationStep.PRE) def pre(self, datapath: str): """Prepare and write circuit for QEC experiment Args: datapath: path location to write circuit Returns: path location of written circuit, without extension """ stim_circuit = Circuit.generated( "surface_code:rotated_memory_x", distance=3, rounds=5, after_clifford_depolarization=0.005, ).without_noise() qasm_circuit = self._convert_stim_circuit(stim_circuit) print(f"datapath: {datapath}") circuit_path = os.path.join(datapath, f"PyMatching_{os.environ['JOB_ID']}") # Write qasm circuit with open(f"{circuit_path}.qasm", "w", encoding="utf-8") as fid: fid.write(str(qasm_circuit)) # Write stim circuit to extract sampler on run with open(f"{circuit_path}.stim", "w", encoding="utf-8") as fid: stim_circuit.to_file(fid) return circuit_path
def _bitstring_to_boolarray(self, readouts: Dict[str, int]) -> List[List[bool]]: """Converts bitstring to array of booleans Args: readouts: bitstring : frequency key-value pair e.g. {'11':1, '10': 3} Returns the readouts converted into boolean arrays for the total number of readouts e.g.[[True, True], [True, False], [True, False], [True, False]] """ data = [] for measurement, freq in readouts.items(): ro_bool = [[c == "1" for c in measurement] for _ in range(freq)] data.extend(ro_bool) return data
[docs] @trace(computation_type=COMPUTATION_NAME, computation_step=ComputationStep.RUN) def run(self, datapath: str, connection: connector.Connector): """Runs the Quantum circuit N times Args: datapath: path location to write circuit connection: connector object to run circuit shots: number of shots to be executed Returns: path location of syndromes file """ circuit_path = os.path.join(datapath, f"PyMatching_{os.environ['JOB_ID']}") # Send circuit to connector results ="{circuit_path}.qasm", reps=self.num_shots) # Convert syndromes to np array and write to path syndrome = np.array(self._bitstring_to_boolarray(results["dets"]), dtype=bool) obs = np.array(self._bitstring_to_boolarray(results["obs"]), dtype=bool) syndrome_path = os.path.join( datapath, f"PyMatching_{os.environ['JOB_ID']}_syndromes.npz" ) np.savez(syndrome_path, syn=syndrome, obs=obs)
[docs] @trace(computation_type=COMPUTATION_NAME, computation_step=ComputationStep.POST) def post(self, datapath: str): """Runs the postprocessing analysis using PyMatching decoder over a given input file Args: datapath: path location to write circuit Returns: number of errors detected """ circuit_path = os.path.join(datapath, f"PyMatching_{os.environ['JOB_ID']}") stim_circuit = Circuit.from_file(f"{circuit_path}.stim") # Synthetic data from stim circuit sampler = stim_circuit.compile_detector_sampler() sampled_syndromes, sample_observables = sampler.sample( shots=1000, separate_observables=True ) model = stim_circuit.detector_error_model(decompose_errors=True) matching = pymatching.Matching.from_detector_error_model(model) print(f"MARCO: datapath - {datapath}") syndrome_path = os.path.join( datapath, f"PyMatching_{os.environ['JOB_ID']}_syndromes.npz" ) vals = np.load(syndrome_path) synd = vals["syn"] actual_observables = vals["obs"] # In case of simulating circuit by generating random readouts PyMatching will fail # So we use the sampled syndromes instead try: predicted_observables = matching.decode_batch(synd) except ValueError: predicted_observables = sampled_syndromes actual_observables = sample_observables num_errors = np.sum(np.any(predicted_observables != actual_observables, axis=1)) return num_errors