
QStone generates sets of synthetic benchmarks that can be run on different architectures/with different schedulers.

It can be used to investigate few simple metrics: - average compute times (quantum/classical computations) - total run times

Average compute times

QStone can be leveraged to investigated where the hybrid quantum/classical computations spend their time.

To start with a simple example, generate a simple configuration copy the file latencies small and modify the values for the qpu_ip_address, qpu_port and project_name (if your organisation requires jobs to be executed under specific user-groups/projects). Then call the generate step:

qstone generate -i config_single.json -s "bare_metal"

QStone will generate a bare-metal job, i.e. a job that does not use scheduling to run one after the other 100 jobs. To actually execute the jobs, simply call:

qstone run -i bare_metal_user0.qstone.tar.gz -o run_user0

The jobs (only for a single user in this case) will now start and execute one after the other.

From this first run, running the profiler could already highlight some interesting aspects of the HPC/Quantum system. To run the profiler execute:

qstone profile --cfg config_single.json --folder run_user0/qstone_suite/qstone_profile

that will return the overall execution time, the average execution time on the QPU and on the classical resources. This information can be already useful to understand the average computation duration for standard operations.